Corporate training

Corporate programmes are recommended for company employees who need to use English in everyday business communication.

2 times a week
Длительность занятия
from 50 min.
Продолжительность курса
from 80 lessons

Course features

Corporate training programmes are based on programmes of general, business English and English for specific purposes. Courses help to acquire oral and written communication skills and remove the language barrier when interacting with foreign colleagues.

Содержание курса

Depending on the level of language proficiency at the beginning of training and the goals set, corporate training programmes are aimed at acquiring and improving communication skills in everyday or business situations, improving listening skills and participating in conversations or negotiations. The course expands business-related vocabulary and gives an overview of essential grammar structures.
Приобретаемые навыки

General English Course for adults

In the course students read texts taken from modern magazines and newspapers, Internet sites, study texts on topics of interest. The course expands vocabulary and knowledge of English grammar. New words and grammar rules are worked out and further used in the lessons in a variety of communicative situations, which allows for language consolidation and spoken fluency.

Business English course

The course examines the characteristics of intercultural communication and the general aspects of business correspondence. Depending on the level, role-playing and business games are used in the classes; the practice of conducting mini-presentations, writing emails, cover letters and a resume is organized, which allows the students to work out and consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge.

English for specific purposes

In the course students acquire the linguistic and professional skills necessary for establishing business relations, successful participation in negotiations, meetings and presentations. The topics of the programme are tailor-made taking into account the specifics of the sphere and the individual needs of the student: sales, logistics, supply management, investments, corporate finance, programmes for pilots and air traffic controllers, military personnel, medical workers, oil industry employees, etc.

Модули курса

10+ study topics
interactive home assignments
extra audio and video material
digital drills
progress and final testing

Результаты курса

The final outcome depends on student’s language proficiency at the start of the course of study and lesson frequency. On full completion of one level (40+ lessons), a student takes the final test and gets a certificate that acknowledges the completion of the course and the attainment of a certain language proficiency.
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