for teenagers aged 13-17

The programme is recommended for children aged 13-17, who have already learnt or are just beginning to learn English. After completing level B1+, it is possible to prepare for OGE. After completing level B2, it ia possible to prepare for EGE.

2-3 times a week
Длительность занятия
from 50 minutes
Продолжительность курса
from 80 lessons

Course features

Teenagers are discerning judges of teaching and learning that is why it should not only be interactive and engaging but also reflect their interests and modern issues. The course develops all major language skills for successful communication with peers from all over the world.

Содержание курса

The course aims to equip students with the skills necessary for effective communication. It also helps to overcome the language barrier and their fear of English speaking environment.
Приобретаемые навыки

The course consistently develops speaking and listening skills essential for everyday communication, extends a range of vocabulary and provides practical application of grammar structures.

By gradually developing language competence, students will be able to read and understand English websites, blogs, and published materials.

Writing skills in English will help to establish and maintain contact with peers from different countries.

The course also broadens teenagers’ horizons, gives insights into culture and traditions of other countries, and develops the 21st century skills: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.

Модули курса

10+ study topics
interactive home assignments
extra audio and video material
digital drills
progress and final testing

Результаты курса

The final outcome depends on student’s language proficiency at the start of the course of study and lesson frequency. On full completion of one level (80+ lessons), a student takes the final test and gets a certificate that acknowledges the completion of the course and the attainment of a certain language proficiency.
(False beginner)

Уровень A1+ (False beginner)

  • Can maintain simple exchanges, take part in a simple conversation if the interlocutor speaks slowly and distinctly
  • Can speak about self, the family, travelling, hobbies etc.
  • Can understand general and specific information in audio and video texts up to 4 minutes
  • Can read short abridged texts for gist and detail
  • Can use basic intonation patterns when reading aloud
  • Can write short texts using familiar vocabulary and search for necessary vocabulary items in a dictionary
  • Vocabulary range of up to 400 words on the topics from the course book

Уровень A2 (Elementary)

  • Can maintain simple exchanges, take part in a standard conversation if the interlocutor speaks distinctly
  • Can speak about self, the family, travelling, hobbies, the past, future plans, etc.
  • Can understand general and specific information in audio and video texts up to 4 minutes
  • Can read short abridged texts for gist and detail
  • Can use basic intonation patterns when reading aloud
  • Can write short essays, emails, leaflets and postcards using familiar vocabulary; can search for necessary vocabulary items in a dictionary
  • Vocabulary range of up to 1000 words on the topics from the course book. The vocabulary range consists of items that students actively use when speaking and writing, and of items that students recognize when reading and listening but do not use

Уровень B1 (Pre-intermediate)

  • Can take part in conversation in various social settings: formal (booking tickets, making business phone class, etc); informal (making arrangements, narrating events etc)
  • Can use polite expressions common to various contexts and cultures with some flexibilty; can discuss controversial issues
  • Can follow sustained monologue and dialogue with some flexibility including those with accents and dialects
  • Can read for gist and detail depending on the communicative purpose
  • Can use word and sentence stress appropriately with some flexibility when speaking
  • Can write short texts (informal and formal letters, blog entries, letter of recommendation, review, description), short essays up to 200 words on a given topic, using level appropriate grammar and vocabulary
  • Vocabulary range of 1500-2000 words on the topics from the course book and those encountered in texts and situations outside the classroom. The vocabulary range consists of items that students actively use when speaking and writing, and of items that students recognize when reading and listening but do not use

Уровень B1+ (Intermediate)

  • Can take part in conversation in various formal and informal social settings with a degree of flexibility: asking for and exchanging information, expressing and justifying opinion, explaining events, discussing controversial issues
  • Can use polite expressions to communicate with people from different cultures
  • Can understand sustained monologues and dialogues with a degree of flexibility including those with accents and dialects
  • Can skim and scan read texts depending on the communicative purpose
  • Can write longer narrative texts using level appropriate grammar and vocabulary, write formal and informal texts. Can write letters (formal and informal, informal email, recommendation, description), blog entries, leaflets, short essays on a given topic
  • Can use word and sentence stress appropriately with a degree of flexibility when speaking
  • Vocabulary range of up to 2000-2500 words on the topics from the course book and those encountered in texts and situations outside the classroom. The vocabulary range consists of items that students actively use when speaking and writing, and of items that students recognize when reading and listening but do not use

Уровень B2 (Upper-intermediate)

  • Can use appropriate register with some flexibility including the most common set expressions, convey meaning with a wide range of vocabulary and structures
  • Can maintain a conversation with any partner, show interest, be polite, express attitudes appropriately. Can solve unexpected problems in any everyday situation
  • Can speak about self, feelings, can discuss an issue form various points of view
  • Can understand audio and video texts of various complexity including those with accents and dialects
  • Can read for gist and detail depending on the communicative purpose
  • Can write informal letters, formal letters of complaints, notes, essays, articles respecting spelling and punctuation rules
  • Can use word, sentence, and logical stress
  • Vocabulary range of up to 3000-4000 words on the topics from the course book and those encountered in texts and situations outside the classroom. The vocabulary range consists of items that students actively use when speaking and writing, and of items that students recognize when reading and listening but do not use

Уровень B2+ (Upper-Intermediate+)

  • Can use appropriate register with a degree of flexibility including the most common set expressions, convey meaning with a wide range of vocabulary and structures
  • Can take part in conversation in various formal and informal social settings: asking for and exchanging information, giving and justifying opinion, explaining events, discussing complex controversial issues
  • Can understand audio and video texts of various complexity including those with accents and dialects
  • Can read abridged and original texts using various reading strategies
  • Can write informal letters, formal letters of complaints, notes, essays, reports, reviews, narratives respecting spelling and punctuation rules
  • Can use word, sentence, and logical stress appropriately
  • Vocabulary range of up to 3000-4000 words on the topics from the course book and those encountered in texts and situations outside the classroom. The vocabulary range consists of items that students actively use when speaking and writing, and of items that students recognize when reading and listening but do not use

Уровень C1 (Advanced)

  • Can convey complex meaning using appropriate structures
  • Can speak fluently on any topic, choosing appropriate vocabulary and structures
  • Can understand long audio texts and use context to guess the meaning, can understand audio texts with noise in the background, can understand fluent spoken language
  • Can synthesize information from various texts with a degree of flexibility
  • Can understand long specialized articles and technical instructions even if they lie beyond learner’s interests
  • Can convey meaning in writing, logically organize and express opinions, use academic register, take notes while listening to texts
  • Vocabulary range of up to 3000-4000 words on the topics from the course book and those encountered in texts and situations outside the classroom. The vocabulary range consists of items that students actively use when speaking and writing, and of items that students recognize when reading and listening but do not use
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